Hello to everyone,
This is my new blog that will replace the "A Arte e a Magia da bruxa_li" or
bruxali.blogspot.com. For my mistake that was deleted so I'll put the pictures with the same name as the old blog. S
orry my bad English because it is rusty .

Have a nice day :)

11 julho 2012

Red and Blue

Necklace made of magic wool blue and red. (in 2011)
I hope you enjoy.

7 comentários:

  1. Respostas
    1. :) sim parece mas não são, são bolinhas feitas por mim com lã mágica.
      Um dia destes ainda faço um tutorial sobre este material.
      Fico contente por teres gostado.
      Beijinhos e obrigada.

  2. Thank you so much for commenting on my blog!
    Would you like to follow each other? let me know xx


    1. Hi Nicola, I'm already following you. :)
      If you want to follow me. Kiss.

  3. beautiful combinations of color really compliments for the choice
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    1. Thank you so much!! Yes, I'll be watching your blog.
      :) Kiss
